The Cross of Mount Sobretta - Lest we forget
Cost € 35,00
Registration by Thursday, August 22, 2024
In 1968 a group of young people from Brugherio Parish erected an imposing cross on top of Mount Sobretta in remembrance and memory of the young soldiers who fought here in these mountains during World War I (1915 -1918).
The centuries-old tradition of placing a cross on the top of mountains is linked to various motivations experiences and events. Many of the hikes organized with CAI Valfurva arrive right at the foot of these characteristic and always unique wooden or metal artifacts .
On Saturday, August 24, with CAI and the Brugherio Parish group, it will be possible to retrace the paths of history and memory to the 3,297 summit of Mount Sobretta.
8:00 a.m. meeting c/o Cabinovia S.Caterina – Vallalpe
8:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. ascent from Sunny Valley to Sobretta Peak
11 a.m. celebration of Holy Mass at the foot of the cross and descent
1:30 p.m. arrival at Sunny Valley Mountain Lodge – Convivial lunch of polenta and local products
Return to St. Catherine by cable car
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tel : 0342 935422